The Healthiest Summertime Popsicle Recipe

The Healthiest Summertime Popsicle Recipe

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i make a breakfast muffin. an original ww recipe. I added golden bliss and cacao to the recipeand filling and delish and easy.
you need a mug for the microwave,
1 ripe banana
1/3 cup of oats
1 egg
1 scoop of cacao
1 scoop of golden bliss
mash banana and mix all ingredients together in mug
microwave 2 minutes and enjoy


I love the Cacao bliss!

Peggy Kremer

Love Cacao Bliss! Can’t wait to try the other products!

Jan Launius

Love all the products!

Joann Saunders

The bliss and collagen are part of my everyday routine. I would love to see them together as a special price to save money.


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